Do you want to build a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation at work? Do you want everyone to feel included, accepted for who they are, and valued? If yes, you need an environment where everyone feels psychologically safe. Join Karyn Ross and Jessica House as they set the stage for you to create psychological safety for yourself and at work in this 2.5 hour fully interactive workshop.
What you will learn:
• Why is Psychological Safety so important?
• What are the 5C’s of Psychological Safety?
• How can I create Psychological Safety?
Date: October 28th
Time: 8-10:30am
Location: The comfort of your home/office via Zoom
Technology (virtual): Computer/laptop. A second monitor can be helpful, but not required. You will need to be on-screen, so please use a device with a webcam and a mic. Multiple people can join from a conference room with a webcam, but registration is required for each attendee.
Member Cost: $80 ($125 for non-members)
Registration link: (Note: When registering you’ll be added to our waitlist. If I have enough interest, we’ll hold a 2nd class. Ask your co-workers to join you – the more registrations we have, the higher the likelihood we can get everyone who is interested into this class.)
Facilitator bios:

Karyn Ross is on a mission to Help People Create a Better, Kinder World. An artist, internationally acclaimed speaker, award-winning author, consultant, coach and practitioner, Karyn travels the globe teaching people her unique system of combining creativity, continuous improvement and kindness to make a better world. As well as being the owner of KRC (Karyn Ross Consulting) Karyn is one of the Founding Mothers of Women in Lean – Our Table, a global group of more than 750 women lean practitioners. Karyn is also Founder and President of the Love and Kindness Project Foundation, a registered public charity and The New School for Kind Leaders. She has created both of these initiatives to help people around the world think, speak, act and lead more kindly.

Jessica House is an experienced mental health counselor and coach with a diverse background that includes mental health services, leadership, and lean management. With over a decade of experience in the mental health field, and an unwavering philosophy that every human being wants to do well (and can do well), Jessica’s passion is helping children, parents and families live their best life.
Jessica has designed mental health and wellness programs from the ground up based on the needs in the community. She has a Master’s in Counselling Psychology and is a Canadian Certified Counsellor.