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PDCA Thinking (June 7th) – Class is Full

Title:  PDCA Thinking: Rapid Cycles of Learning Through PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Adjust)

Description:  The purpose of this hands-on workshop is to develop problem solving skills using a pattern of learning through alignment and experimentation.  Additionally, participants will build skills to demonstrate these best practices throughout their organizations.

This interactive workshop compliments classroom learning and with hands-on application exercises.  The exercises teach attendees how to incorporate PDCA concepts into daily practice to solve problems, attain business strategies, and achieve operational excellence in their organization.

Audience: This course is designed for all levels and roles within an organization.

Key Concepts: 

Understand Plan-Do-Check-Adjust Thinking.  Define each component and understand how to apply PDCA as a foundational element of learning and discovery.

Effectively connect Strategy Deployment to real business improvement through alignment of focused daily/rapid PDCA experiments and learning cycles.

Recognize how Plan-Do-Check-Adjust thinking impacts every level of the organization. Human development, leadership, strategy, organization design, system and process flow, project execution and management.

Develop an individual plan to share your Plan-Do-Check-Adjust learning. Teaching is the best way to anchor learning. You will have a defined plan for each PDCA component that can be shared with your organization.

Prerequisite: Intro to Lean or equivalent experience.

Date: Thursday, June 7th

Time: 8am – 2:30pm

Location: Phoseon Technology, 7425 NE Evergreen Pkwy, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Cost:  $150 per person

Contact [email protected] to reserve your seat(s).