3H Teamwork is a two-day series for individual contributors to help align them with the language and practices of their leaders who have attended 3H Leadership. The series content focuses on the following:
- Personal Responsibility
- Personal Communications
- Constructive Confrontation
We help people enhance their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and provide new perspectives on how to create positive interactions in the workplace.
Lean organizations strive to continuously improve quality, lead-time and cost performance by harnessing the natural problem-solving creativity of all employees on a daily basis. This focus on problem-solving capability naturally emphasizes the importance of engaging employees critical thinking skills – their “heads”. Tapping the full potential of their creativity, however, also relies on engaging their human need to contribute and be creative – their “hearts”. 3H Teamwork is a series of two focused sessions for individual team members. These two sessions explore the building blocks for effective relationships and connecting with the “heart” to create more intentional interactions with team members and to better engage your “head” and “hands” as you approach your daily job.
The series curriculum is:
- Aligned with Lean as the “respect for humanity” system and the key Lean concepts of True North performance, value add, non-value add and value stream teams.
- Grounded in behavior science and neuroscience – the science of human interactions – and needs based communications.
- Designed for participants to explore and discover concepts through classroom simulations, experiences, and discussions.
- Built on a foundation of work done by Dan Miller of Dan Miller and Associates, LLC who generously gave NWHPEC and Kari Penca and Associates (KPA) the gift of content and mentorship.
Audience: This session is open to any individual within your organization who is interested in self-development and individual improvement. Individual contributors/front-line workers/team members/emerging leaders will benefit from the concepts demonstrated and practiced throughout these sessions. It is designed for individual contributors.
Two, 1-day sessions, three weeks apart. (Capacity = 40)