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Benchmarking Tour @A-dec, April 25th (Full)

Focus topic: Daily Management Systems

A-dec is one of the most respected names in the dental industry.  They design and manufacture dental equipment at their headquarters in Newberg, Oregon. A-dec started its lean journey in 1999 and has been working to make its processes robust and efficient ever since. Recently, they have been designing and piloting the concept of a Daily Management System (DMS) in a few manufacturing areas. On this tour, they will highlight a few areas in different stages of their DMS journey. We’ll also have an opportunity to tour parts of their integrated manufacturing facility and see how they are using 6S, Kanban, 1-pc flow, Standard Work, and Andon Boards to help make flow and problems visible.

Daily management systems are essential for maintaining engagement and communication within an organization. These systems help to establish clear goals and expectations, provide timely feedback, and promote transparency and accountability. By using daily management systems, team members can stay informed about their progress toward meeting goals, address any issues that arise, and receive recognition for their achievements. By having a daily routine for reviewing progress and addressing issues, team members can feel more empowered to take ownership of their work and contribute to the success of the team.

Audience: Applicable to anyone in your organization who is curious to learn more about daily management systems. Limited to two attendees per member company (initially).

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Time: 8:30am-noon (snacks provided)

Cost: no charge

Location: A-dec (2601 Crestview Drive, Newberg)

Registration: Click the button below to launch an email to Jennifer. Include name(s), email(s), and job title(s) for participants. Limited to two attendees per member company (initially).