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Virtual Tour: Kaas Tailored – Sept 11-14th

Who is “Kaas Tailored”?

We are a manufacturing facility located in Mukilteo, Washington. We want our workplace to be one of joy and learning, which is why we are committed to developing people through a culture of Continuous Improvement. To fund these efforts, we produce high-quality upholstered goods and provide design services to like-minded customers.

What can be learned on the virtual tour?

We want to help you answer the question, “Why should I bother learning about this?” Our method includes conversations with a variety of Kaas team members, in-depth training on the 7 wastes, and an intro to the improvement tools we use. You will experience team train, team clean, visual management tools, and Kaizen problem-solving. The day ends with 30 minutes of Q & A with Kaas leadership.

What does waste mean to Kaas Tailored and why is it important to recognize and eliminate?

We have found a strong correlation between waste and stress. Through scientific research, we know that long periods of stress can lead to many personal health, relationship, and community consequences. For us, this is not a business question, but a moral one.

Expected outcomes:

Guests are usually inspired to learn more about Continuous Improvement so they can apply it in their own lives. Frequently they are surprised to learn how much waste is in their world. Many seem willing to explore removing waste as they return to work.

This is a four-hour tour spread over four days.  We will cover:

  • Why Continuous Improvement?
  • 7 Wastes – creating flow
  • Tools we use
  • Q&A

Dates: Mon-Thurs, Sept 11-14th, 2003

Time: 9-10am (Pacific)

Cost: NWHPEC members $95 (regular cost = $295)

Registration link