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Special Interest Groups

Active Special Interest Groups:

2025 Schedule:

  • Safety – 2nd Mondays @1pm (Pacific)
  • Maintenance Best Practices – 2nd Tuesdays @10am (Pacific)
  • Training – 3rd Fridays @9am (Pacific)
  • Kata – 4th Mondays @1pm (Pacific)

While most meetings will be held virtually, the group may decide to hold an in person meeting to provide an opportunity to go and see a particular concept, process, or system first hand.

How we use SIGs at NWHPEC

Special Interest Groups, or SIGs, are member-started, led, and disbanded.  They start with an individual who is interested in learning from and connecting with others on a particular topic.  An invitation is sent to the membership asking for participation.  At the first meeting, all of the SIG details are discussed and organized: value identification from each person attending, meeting frequency, meeting location, meeting duration, etc.  The Executive Director works with group members to manage the meetings, meeting minutes, and communication.  They follow the initial plan identified in the first meeting and make adjustments as necessary.  The focus is on learning together, sharing together, and supporting each other on the given topic.  After the SIG has learned all they planned to learn, they decide if they want to continue meeting or disband.  SIGs are a great way to leverage the combined experiences and knowledge within NWHPEC!

How to request or join a Special Interest Group

Contact Jennifer Ayers