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Best Practice Showcase: The Tools We Use – Dec 6th

A virtual show and tell about digital dashboards, tiered huddles, and line balancing based on customer demand.

Sometimes we hear about a specific tool and wonder what it is, is it useful, and how to create it.  In this virtual, interactive session, we’ll be hearing two case studies from NWHPEC members who put specific tools in place to solve problems.  Our presenters will share how their solutions were developed, implemented, and utilized.  Come and learn more about 1) How to utilize virtual dashboards in tiered huddles and 2) How to create and document flexible standard work when demand fluctuates.

Marika Klein and Bea Robertson, Process Improvement Consultants at OHSU, will share their experiences with a dashboard tool, developed during the pandemic, which has proven invaluable in the new era of hybrid work. Explore how this virtual dashboard facilitates issue escalation within their tiered huddle structure.

Utilizing virtual dashboards for a tiered huddle structure

  • Developing a dashboard that works for the group
  • How issues are escalated
  • Maintaining the dashboards
  • Lessons learned/best practices

Ashton Burrell, a manufacturing engineer from Danner Boots, has created some great visuals for line balancing that helps teams flex up and down as demand changes. Learn how these standards empower teams to self-manage and maintain peak efficiency.

Creating flexible line balancing charts

  • Understanding the time to build each product
  • How to make a Product, Quality, and Routing (PQR) sheet
  • Developing the visuals in PowerPoint (includes layouts, spaghetti diagrams, color-coded operator flex diagrams)
  • How it is utilized and maintained in production

Date: Wednesday, Dec 6th

Time: 10-10:55am (PST)

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: Free to members

Registration link

#lean #bestpractices #continuous improvement #kpi #dashboards #linebalancing