Back to Basics – Using a systematic approach to create high volume flow

Regardless of the process you are focusing on, the same improvement and problem solving rules apply. Join Leah Calvert, OHSU Quality Specialist, as she shares how the used PDSA cycles to continuously improve the management and flow of mass vaccination clinics.
As she shares their journey, you’ll see how tools were only applied as necessary to solve specific problems. These tools include Kanban, Huddle Boards, Visual Management, Standard Work, and Flow. Come and learn:
• How they incorporated this improvement activity into their Daily Management System
• The importance of focusing on the customer (both internal and external) and creating a change management mindset
• The value of clear communication
• How PDSA was the basis for improvement experiments towards their challenge
• How they continuously reflected and applied lessons learned
Key metrics included zero wasted product, reduction in turnover, low wait times, and safety.
Date: Tuesday, March 8th
Time: 1-1:55pm
Venue: Online using Zoom
Cost: Free to NWHPEC members
Registration: Members can email for the link
Speaker Bio: Leah Calvert is a quality improvement specialist at Oregon Health & Sciences University who is passionate about equipping healthcare leaders to effectively achieve improvement work. She has her Master’s in Health Administration and believes the most exciting aspect of quality improvement and change management are the relational components within teams.
She loves teaching & coaching leaders at all stages in their quality journey to succeed at applying principles in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them. She enjoys the complex people side of change management and engaging with individuals to capitalize on their strengths so they can improve patient outcomes & experience within the healthcare setting.