The Bench – Aug 15th @12:30

The Bench – Aug 15th @12:30

Benchmark Request
Join us for another open-forum exchange of best practices.  This is a great way for members to come together to talk and share about a particular topic. This month the topics you can choose from are 1) Metrics or 2) Lean product development/Lean project management. You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned. Intended Audience: All NWHPEC members.  Please share internally with individuals connected to and interested in any of these topics.Date:          Monday, August 15thTime:         12:30pm - 1:30pmLocation:    Zoom (webcam preferred)Cost:           Free (NWHPEC members only) Registration: via Zoom, link
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The Bench – Dec 15th @1pm

The Bench – Dec 15th @1pm

Benchmark Request
Join us for another open-forum exchange of best practices.  This month will be "open mic". You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned. Intended Audience: All NWHPEC members.  Please share internally with individuals connected to and interested in any of these topics.Date:          Wednesday, December 15thTime:         1pm - 2pmLocation:    Zoom (webcam preferred)Cost:           Free (NWHPEC members only) Registration: via Zoom, link
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The Bench – Nov 15th @noon

The Bench – Nov 15th @noon

Benchmark Request
Join us for another open-forum exchange of best practices.  We’ll split into self-assigned groups with a focus on different topics (listed below).  You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned. Stick to one topic, or switch between them throughout the hour. Bring your co-workers…this is going to be FUN, engaging, and informative! November 15th Focus Topics: Engaging the remote workforceProblem Solving tools Intended Audience: All NWHPEC members.  Please share internally with individuals connected to and interested in any of these topics.Date:          Monday, November 15thTime:         noon – 1pmLocation:    Zoom (webcam required)Cost:           Free (NWHPEC members only) Registration: via Zoom, link
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The Bench – Sept 15th @1pm

The Bench – Sept 15th @1pm

Benchmark Request
Join us for another open-forum exchange of best practices.  We’ll split into self-assigned groups with a focus on different topics (listed below).  You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned. Stick to one topic, or switch between them throughout the hour. Bring your co-workers…this is going to be FUN, engaging, and informative! September 15th Focus Topics: Toyota KataDeveloping new leadersEngaging front line employees in continous improvement Intended Audience: All NWHPEC members.  Please share internally with individuals connected to and interested in any of these topics.Date:          Wednesday, September 15thTime:         1pm – 2pmLocation:    Zoom (webcam required)Cost:           Free (NWHPEC members only)Registration: via Zoom, contact [email protected] for a registration link
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The Bench – July 15th

The Bench – July 15th

Benchmark Request
Join us for another open-forum exchange of best practices.  We’ll split into self-assigned groups with a focus on different topics (listed below).  You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned. Stick to one topic, or switch between them throughout the hour. Bring your co-workers…this is going to be FUN, engaging, and informative! July 15th Focus Topics: Leader Standard Work (bring a sample to share)Daily HuddlesEngaging leadership in supporting and sustaining lean principles Intended Audience: All NWHPEC members.  Please share internally with individuals connected to and interested in any of these topics.Date:          Thursday, July 15thTime:         10am – 11amLocation:    Zoom (webcam required)Cost:           Free (NWHPEC members only)Registration: via Zoom, contact [email protected] for a registration link
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The Bench – June 15th

The Bench – June 15th

Benchmark Request
A new and engaging benchmarking forum for NWHPEC members. To provide increased opportunities for our members to collaborate, share, and learn from each other we are launching a new benchmarking platform:  The Bench.  This will be an open-forum exchange of best practices among members.  We’ll split into self-assigned groups that focus on one of four topics (current topics listed below). If your group wants to dive even deeper and continue the conversation, we can start up a new Special Interest Group for that topic.  The goal is to create a monthly cadence for gathering at The Bench, addressing new topics each time we meet.  You bring the questions and challenges; the group will offer advice and share lessons learned.  Stick to one topic, or switch between them throughout the hour. Bring…
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Benchmark Request – AGVs

Benchmark Request – AGVs

Benchmark Request
Smith Gardens would like to know if anyone is currently using autonomous vehicles in their operations.  We are currently experimenting with small robots that help us place/move potted plants in our facility.  We’d like to know more about your experiences using AGVs.  For example: Are you achieving the savings you expected?What are your current challenges?What would you do differently if you started over?What pitfalls should we look out for?Tell us more about the interaction with your computer systems and the AGV’s software. To respond to this benchmark request, please add a comment to this post or contact Tom Ingram directly at [email protected].
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