Benchmark Request:  New Boli Overtime Updates

Benchmark Request: New Boli Overtime Updates

Benchmark Request
Effective 1/1/2018, BOLI new overtime law updates mandate that employees at manufacturing/factory/mills can work no more than 55 hours a week unless they give one time consent to allow up to 60 hours a week.  Milwaukee Electronics runs 12 hour shifts 24/6 and 24/7, so this change may greatly impact our ability to cover vacation and sick leave.  How are other companies who run 10-12 hour shifts planning to handle this? What about coverage for other shifts? To provide feedback and support:  Please add your comment to this post or contact Sarah Williams at [email protected] or call 503-263-9103.  
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Benchmark Request:  Internship Programs

Benchmark Request: Internship Programs

Benchmark Request
A-dec is working on creating an internship program for their Machine Shops.  They are looking for any information they can get from other companies running internship programs.  The types of questions they have are:  - How is the program structured?  - What school or schools is your company working with?  - Do the schools provide the intern's credits? If your company is running a program like this or you know a company that runs a program, please contact Jeremiah Davis at [email protected].   
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Benchmark Request:  Beard Length Policy

Benchmark Request: Beard Length Policy

Benchmark Request
Columbia Machine is updating our handbook and are curious as to whether other companies have put policies in place around beard length.  We have a policy in place regarding long hair in our manufacturing environments, but with beard lengths getting longer and longer the question came about should there be a policy that states how long they can be when working around machinery.  If any NWHPEC members have any information to share on whether they have instituted a beard length policy, we'd love to talk to them.  Thank you, Kelly Foy, HR Manager, 360-690-1366, [email protected]    
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Benchmark Request:  Machinist Skill Assessment for Advancement

Benchmark Request: Machinist Skill Assessment for Advancement

Benchmark Request
Columbia Machine is looking to revise its system of evaluating when an employee is ready to advance to the next level and what skills, tools, training, etc. they need.  Our current system is structured at levels 2-6 with an A&B level each.  The system is limiting and makes it difficult to advance past a level 3B without jumping through several hoops.  I am interested in learning how other machine shops assess their machinists to advance their employees and what their structure look like.  Please comment on this post or contact Aaron Ramsey, Machine Shop Supervisor at [email protected], Office 360.694.1501 x225 | cell 360.713.7037.   
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Benchmark Request:  Employee Turnover

Benchmark Request: Employee Turnover

Benchmark Request
Myers Container wants to learn more about employee turnover: In this hot job market we are trying to gain a better understanding of why people leave good companies: Do you track turnover data? If so what is the %? Where do you recruit most of your laborers? Do you do exit interviews at the laborer level? If so, what is your finding for the most often reason they leave? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Rebecca Turner, HR Manager, O: 503-255-0557 x110
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