Best Practices: Implementing a Model Workcell – Feb 22@1pm

Best Practices: Implementing a Model Workcell – Feb 22@1pm

After spending years implementing improvements, Myers Container asked the question, “What is preventing us from sustaining our improvements?” In 2021, they set out to create a model cell that could be implemented in each of their facilities as a way to demonstrate and create expectations for continuous improvement. Due to the success of the model cells, in 2022 they will expand the model cell concept to all areas of their business (admin, logistics, commercial, etc.). In this best practice sharing session, Shawn Valladolid will share how they took expectations from upper management, turned this into a problem statement, then used continuous improvement principles and methodologies to build a model cell with a process for sustaining improvements. Join us as Shawn explains how they: • Determined the key elements of a…
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Building your Lean Management System – Sept 14th

Building your Lean Management System – Sept 14th

Join us as Mike Orzen shares the purpose and value of a Lean Management System in your organization. 1) Why an LMS is essential 2) Overview of LMS elements 3) Building an LMS (learning and applying) with an intro to the 1st Element: Purpose 4) How the upcoming workshop works (the workshop will be held Oct 12, 26, and Nov 9th from 8 am-noon) Date: Oct 14th Time: 11-11:45am Virtual via Zoom No cost Register here
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Continuous Improvement Strategies for Energy Efficiency – June 22nd @11am

Continuous Improvement Strategies for Energy Efficiency – June 22nd @11am

Although we often relate the 8 Wastes to manufacturing and admin processes, the principles of waste also apply to sustainability (energy, recycling, etc) and can lead to tangible savings.  We’ve got a special event happening this month that will highlight two organizations experience with Energy Trust of Oregon’s Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program. This year long (free) program provides businesses with energy expertise, change management coaching, and a system to focus continuous improvement strategies on low cost and no cost opportunities to reduce your utility spend and boost efficiency. Kjell van Zoen from Energy Trust of Oregon will provide a quick overview of the Strategic Energy Management program before moderating a panel discussion where representatives from NWHPEC member A-dec and Meduri Farms. These two companies are currently engaged in the SEM…
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What’s the Point? Finding Your Purpose – May 14th

What’s the Point? Finding Your Purpose – May 14th

Do you feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions by everything clamoring for your attention? Are you ready to learn a process for escaping the chaos? Join us in this interactive session to find out how Sam Morgan uses his experience of exploring, refining and discovering his own purpose to help find daily focus. He will share the positive impact this has made in his own life by reflecting on his journey over the past year. In this NWHPEC member-led webinar with a workshop spin, Sam will lead you on a journey of creating a daily practice that involves picturing your purpose, aligning your intention, taking small daily actions, and reflecting on the process. Spend this hour with us learning about the power of purpose and intention, collaborating with…
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Applying 4DX at A-dec to Achieve Strategic Improvement – Feb 4th

Applying 4DX at A-dec to Achieve Strategic Improvement – Feb 4th

Learn about the Four Disciplines of Execution and how A-dec has incorporated 4DX into their improvement strategy to produce incredible results in their Engineer to Order cabinet quoting process. Summary:Over the last four years, A-dec has been utilizing FranklinCovey’s Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) to execute their “Wildly Important Goals” through this behavioral based model that aligns with best practices in continuous improvement. The four disciplines include: Focus on the Wildly Important, Act on Lead Measures, Keep a Compelling Scorecard, and Create a Cadence of Accountability. Join us as Ciarán defines the Four Disciplines, shares examples of how 4DX is applied in an organization and walks us through a case study of a process improvement in A-dec’s Engineer to Order quote process. Hear how the team reduced quote lead times from…
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Webinar: Telework – Creating balance and boundaries between work and home – July 21st

Webinar: Telework – Creating balance and boundaries between work and home – July 21st

Most of us were suddenly asked to work from home starting last March with no clear picture of what that would look like or how long it would last. Here we are, four months later realizing this will be the new normal for the foreseeable future. We’ve mastered MS Teams and Zoom. We’re figuring out how to communicate more effectively with our teams and employees. Projects are moving forward. In the midst of all this, one remaining impact of telework is that the physical and temporal boundaries we once used to separate work from home are gone. This may enable greater flexibility and autonomy, but also creates opportunities for overwork and stress. This webinar will highlight best practices for creating work-life boundaries that enable greater productivity and satisfaction and reduce…
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Webinar: Developing CI Champions to Create a Culture of Improvement – May 27th

Webinar: Developing CI Champions to Create a Culture of Improvement – May 27th

In 2018, A-dec realized that their strategy around creating and supporting a continuous improvement culture needed to shift. This led them on a journey to understand their current state, create a vision for the future state, address the gaps, and pilot a new concept for embedding “CI Champions” into the organization. This program was designed to create designated CI experts/champions in each of their manufacturing teams in order to increase engagement in CI activities and create more widespread capability to implement lean practices. In this webinar, Kelly DePaolo, A-dec's Learning and Development Specialist and Lean Coach, will share:• The problem that initiated this journey• The process and tools they used to develop the program• What they learned by piloting this idea (tangible and intangible results)• How Champions are trained• What…
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