Sustaining Lean: Peer Insights – July 24

Sustaining Lean: Peer Insights – July 24

Member Sharing, Webinar
Sustaining Lean Are you curious about what it takes to SUSTAIN a Lean Culture? Join us for a webinar where members share their experiences and best practices on sustaining lean and continuous improvement within their organization. Event: Sustaining Lean: Peer InsightsDate/Time: July 24th, 11:30-12:30pm (Pacific)Platform: Online via ZoomCost: Free for NWHPEC members In this member-to-member sharing session, you'll gain valuable insights directly from your peers who have successfully navigated the challenges of maintaining lean practices over the long term. This interactive webinar is designed to foster an open exchange of ideas, strategies, and practical solutions that you can introduce in your own organization. What You'll Learn: Real-World Success Stories: Hear about their journey in sustaining lean improvements and the tangible benefits they've achieved. Overcoming Challenges: Discover effective tactics for addressing common obstacles such as employee resistance,…
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Webinar: Creating & Sustaining a Lean Culture with Model Cells – Feb 7th

Webinar: Creating & Sustaining a Lean Culture with Model Cells – Feb 7th

Join us for a lean webinar on the use of Model Cells to create and sustain a Lean culture. In late 2021, North Coast Container (formerly Myers Container) embarked on a journey to establish a culture of sustainability and efficiency, starting with the implementation of a "Model Cell" strategy. Shawn Valladolid enthusiastically shared their inspiring journey with NWHPEC during a webinar in February 2022 (you can watch it here). The introduction of the Model Cell concept provided a valuable testing ground for North Coast Container to explore and refine various lean principles and behaviors that they aimed to promote. It provided them with the perfect opportunity to experiment and further enhance their standards for a Model Cell that could be replicated not only at their CA site, but also at…
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Webinar: How You Lead Matters – Feb 21st

Webinar: How You Lead Matters – Feb 21st

Leadership~, Webinar
How You Lead Matters: Key elements to creating an engaged team We often encounter what seems to be a crisis in employee turnover, but in truth, it is a crisis of leadership. According to the Harris Poll Toxic Bosses Survey, a staggering 85% of American workers believe that having a respectful and nurturing manager would greatly enhance their engagement at work. Dan Shannon experienced this firsthand.  He was entrusted with the task of leading a customer service team that lacked engagement and experienced a high annual turnover rate of 40%.  The employees had been conditioned to think that their work was a job, not a career.  Furthermore, making mistakes and seeking assistance were viewed as a major inconvenience.  Dan used the upside-down pyramid philosophy of a servant leader to influence…
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Webinar: Excavating Best Practices to Mine Improvements – Dec 14th

Webinar: Excavating Best Practices to Mine Improvements – Dec 14th

In 2021 the Weir ESCO Covington site was experiencing hiccups in productivity and knew they needed to put some time and effort into stabilizing their processes and productivity in a way that would make a positive impact on the team members in the area. In this webinar, you’ll hear Kara Herndon talk about: The driving force behind our focus on improvement How we’ve improved over time Unveiling the tools that proved most effective, including process management, Kaizen events, tier meetings, and takt time Candid insights into our failures and the invaluable lessons learned along the way Where we are now, and what’s next Our presenters and contributors: Kara Herndon - CI Leader at the Weir ESCO Covington, KY plant, Joe Sodano - Warehouse Supervisor (and former CI Leader), and Danielle…
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Best Practice Showcase: The Tools We Use – Dec 6th

Member Sharing, Webinar
A virtual show and tell about digital dashboards, tiered huddles, and line balancing based on customer demand. Sometimes we hear about a specific tool and wonder what it is, is it useful, and how to create it.  In this virtual, interactive session, we'll be hearing two case studies from NWHPEC members who put specific tools in place to solve problems.  Our presenters will share how their solutions were developed, implemented, and utilized.  Come and learn more about 1) How to utilize virtual dashboards in tiered huddles and 2) How to create and document flexible standard work when demand fluctuates. Marika Klein and Bea Robertson, Process Improvement Consultants at OHSU, will share their experiences with a dashboard tool, developed during the pandemic, which has proven invaluable in the new era of…
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Webinar: Leading with Humility – Nov 7th

Webinar: Leading with Humility – Nov 7th

Developing People~, Leadership~, Webinar
An Essential Quality for Today’s Leaders How might you respond to the following statement: The Lack of Support for Leaders Today Makes People Not Want to Lead Tomorrow? The lack of support, burnout and hyper individualistic feelings our leaders are experiencing begs the question: Considering today’s context, do we need to redefine Humility? What does it look like to understand ourselves more without becoming egotistical? How can I hold my strengths and weaknesses in my mind without becoming hypersensitive? How might we teach what it looks like to learn from others? Please join us for a 45 minute webinar with doctoral student Pamela Lau, who is currently researching what kind of support can be given and received that encourages humility, courage and discernment for leaders? During this interactive webinar, Pamela…
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Webinar: Enterprise Excellence is Inclusive Excellence – Oct 9th

Webinar: Enterprise Excellence is Inclusive Excellence – Oct 9th

Developing People~, Leadership~, Webinar
Join our DEIA focus group as we hear from a guest speaker, William Harvey, on the topic of inclusion. Enterprise excellence and inclusive excellence are closely linked, and real-world challenges have shown that both are essential to the success of any organization. To achieve enterprise excellence, organizations must focus on improving their operations and processes while creating an inclusive environment that engages everyone. In this interactive session, the facilitator will invite participants to explore inclusive excellence at their organization. Join William Harvey in a discussion on the following topics: • The business case for DEIA and why a business case is a bad idea• Lessons from the United States Military• How certification systems and CI teams can destroy inclusive practices• Leadership is language and how language invites everyone to the…
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