A3 Problem Solving – Feb 29th (& Mar 6th) – FULL

A3 Problem Solving – Feb 29th (& Mar 6th) – FULL

Application~, Classes, Developing People~, Igniting Innovation~, Intermediate~, Solving Problems~
In Person A3 Problem Solving Immersive Workshop This 2-part A3 Problem Solving workshop aims to equip participants with the skills to facilitate team problem solving using a structured approach that combines A3 problem solving with Liberating Structures. The objective is to unleash creativity and positive engagement among team members, essential for building a lean culture. Through hands-on practice and immersion in an 8-step A3 framework, participants will learn to walk through the A3 problem solving process while learning methods to involve people in the process through fun and creative activities. Objective: Learn to facilitate team problem solving by providing a little bit of structure to unleash a wealth of creativity and positive engagement. Purpose: Engaging associates in problem solving is key to building a lean culture. In particular, A3 problem…
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Book Club: Measures of Success – May/June

Book Club: Measures of Success – May/June

Book Club, Solving Problems~
Members only - Wednesdays, May 17th - June 14th (11:30am-12:15pm Pacific Time) Join our Spring Book Club. We'll be reading Measures of Success - React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, by Mark Graban. Our book clubs are a fun, casual way to read and discuss a book. The group will provide some great perspectives and insights along the way. Are you tired of constantly reacting to every little change in your organization's metrics? Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data you have to sift through, wondering which metrics are truly meaningful and which are just noise? If so, this is the book for you. This book offers a practical guide to managing your organization's metrics in a more effective and sustainable way. With vivid stories and clear examples…
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Intro to the Improvement Kata – April 13th (2 seats left)

Intro to the Improvement Kata – April 13th (2 seats left)

Beginner~, Classes, Solving Problems~
This class is an experiential introduction to the improvement cycle and coaching cycle of the Toyota Kata, a structured approach to continuous improvement that helps people develop a scientific mindset. How fast can you lay out 24 cards in a precise sequence? You’ll discover that and more in this 2.5-hour program. You will be introduced to a structured improvement cycle that will let you discover how to reach a significant challenge in a series of incremental experiments. Through a series of coaching questions, you will learn how to take a step, make a prediction, observe the outcome and learn from it in a way that can inform your next step. You will leave familiar with these two cycles and a strong appreciation for how they can help you improve just…
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Intro to the Improvement Kata – Jan 26th (Class is FULL)

Intro to the Improvement Kata – Jan 26th (Class is FULL)

Beginner~, Classes, Solving Problems~
This class is an experiential introduction to the improvement cycle and coaching cycle of the Toyota Kata, a structured approach to continuous improvement that helps people develop a scientific mindset. How fast can you lay out 24 cards in a precise sequence? You’ll discover that and more in this 2.5-hour program. You will be introduced to a structured improvement cycle that will let you discover how to reach a significant challenge in a series of incremental experiments. Through a series of coaching questions, you will learn how to take a step, make a prediction, observe the outcome and learn from it in a way that can inform your next step. You will leave familiar with these two cycles and a strong appreciation for how they can help you improve just…
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Practical Problem Solving (8-Step)

Application~, Igniting Innovation~, Intermediate~, Solving Problems~
Speciality Workshop Problem Solving is the foundation of Continuous Improvement. The tools within a Lean operating system are designed to identify problems. Do you have standardization and the expertise at all levels of your organization to solve them? The extent that you train and engage your organization in problem solving will ultimately determine your success in the lean journey. Mike Hoseus, co-author of Toyota Culture, will review how a Lean organization establishes their culture for problem solving at all levels. This Executive Forum will highlight the 8-Step systematic problem solving process through examples and case studies in the Overview Session, followed by an optional 2-day hands on Gemba Workshop. The Practical Problem Solving Overview Session is intended for a large audience and is a standalone event.  The Problem Solving 2-day…
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A3 Thinking

Application~, Developing People~, Intermediate~, Leadership~, Solving Problems~
Speciality Workshop Do you think of an A3 as just a document or form to complete? A3 thinking is much more than that! Solving problems is not a linear process, but rather requires iterative thinking, evidence gathering, analysis, and input from stakeholders. The A3 problem-solving framework, and the thinking it represents, is foundational to the development of a culture of continuous improvement. The practice of A3 thinking develops evidence-based problem solving, fosters communication and consensus among stakeholders, and creates better alignment to strategic goals. The process of A3 thinking and coaching also serves as a method for people development, knowledge sharing and change management. During this two-day interactive workshop taught by Katie Anderson (author of Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn), you will learn how to more effectively practice A3…
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TWI: Job Relations

Application~, Developing People~, Intermediate~, Leadership~, Solving Problems~
Job Relations Training (JR) teaches how to build positive employee relations, increase cooperation and motivation, and effectively resolve conflicts. The course emphasizes that people must be treated as individuals to provide a foundation for developing and maintaining good relations to prevent problems from arising. JR lays the groundwork for building another layer of stability into your processes, supported by an atmosphere richer in team spirit and collaboration.  Job Relations emphasizes “Respect for People”. It trains and coaches supervisors on how to handle problems, how to prevent them from occurring, and, most importantly, it aids in developing a logical, common sense approach to handling issues with a people-centric view. The core elements of the program are proven to inspire consensus building and individual problem solving. Benefits experienced from practicing Job Relations…
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