Whether you're looking for a class to enhance your knowledge of a topic, or a hands-on experience to dive in deeper and practice a new skill, we have options for you. Our standard classes are listed below. Other topics related to lean principles and lean leadership are also available, just reach out and let us know what capabilities you're trying to build or problems you're trying to solve.
Class Name | Venue | Duration | Host Cost | Member Cost | Non-Member Cost |
Lean 101 | Online | 6 weeks (1.25 hrs/week) | N/A | $150 | $250 |
Intro to Lean (Mfg or admin) | In Person (@ host company) | 1 day (8 hours) | $100 | $150 | $250 |
3H Leadership Essentials (3H Leadership truncated for virtual) | Virtual | 4, half-days over 3 months; each session 3 weeks apart | N/A | $400 | $750 |
3H Leadership – Engaging the Heart, Head, & Hands | In Person @ large venue | 5 days; each session 3 weeks apart | N/A | $800 | $1400 |
3H Teamwork – Showing Up with your Heart, Head, & Hands | In Person | 2 days (three weeks apart) | N/A | $350 | $600 |
5S Workplace Organization | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days | $250 | $400 | $600 |
Building Your Lean Management System | Virtual or In Person (@ host company) | 12 hrs (4hrs x 3 sessions every other week) | $250 | $375 | $600 |
Coaching for Engagement | Virtual or In Person @ host company | 4 hours | $75 | $100 | $175 |
Intro to the Improvement Kata 101 (IK 101) | Virtual | 2.5 hours | N/A | $50 | $90 |
Improvement & Coaching Kata (IK 201) | Virtual or In Person (@ host) | 1/2 day 1 day, or 2 day | $75 $100/day | $100 $150/day | $175 $275/day |
Leader Standard Work | Virtual | 2 hours | N/A | $60 | $100 |
Managing Change & Transition | Virtual or In Person | 3-4 hours | $75 | $100 | $175 |
PDCA Thinking | In Person (@ host company) | 6 hours | $100 | $150 | $250 |
Personal Responsibility: How I Show Up Matters | Virtual | 4 hours | N/A | $100 | $175 |
Set-Up Reduction | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days | $250 | $400 | $600 |
Standard Work | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days | $250 | $400 | $600 |
Structured Problem Solving & Structured Problem Solving + | Virtual | 4 hours 6 hours over two days (+ version) | N/A | $100 $150 | $175 $250 |
Total Productive Maintenance | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days | $250 | $325 | $600 |
Value Stream Mapping (Mfg or Admin) | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days | $250 | $400 | $600 |
Building Blocks for Trainers | In Person (@ host company) | 2 days; 1 week apart | $325 | $450 | $800 |
TWI: Job Instruction | JI -In Person @ host | 5 days; 2.5 hrs/day (or 4 days, 3.5 hrs/day) | $325 | $450 | $800 |
TWI: Job Relations | JR - In Person or virtual | 5 days; 2.5 hrs/day (or 4 days, 3.5 hrs/day) | $325 | $450 | $800 |