Leading a Cultural Transformation + Gemba Walk Workshop – May 14-16th

Leading a Cultural Transformation + Gemba Walk Workshop – May 14-16th

The heartbeat of any organization is its people.  In order to create a culture of continuous improvement, leaders must understand how they affect the culture, their role in supporting the culture, and the actions required to put systems in place to sustain the cultural transformation. Led by Toyota veterans Tracey and Ernie Richardson, in this session we will explore the key actions required to build a culture of continuous improvement and learn about our role as leaders when we go to the Gemba.   The Cultural Transformation session is intended for a large audience and can be a standalone event.  The two Gemba Walk workshops are intended for a smaller audience with 30 participants in each workshop.  Choose from two locations: A-dec (5/15) or Blount (5/16).  Workshop attendees must also attend…
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Practical Problem Solving Overview + Gemba Workshop with Mike Hoseus February 19-21, 2019

Practical Problem Solving Overview + Gemba Workshop with Mike Hoseus February 19-21, 2019

Problem Solving is the foundation of Continuous Improvement. The tools within a Lean operating system are designed to identify problems. Do you have standardization and the expertise at all levels of your organization to solve them? The extent that you train and engage your organization in problem solving will ultimately determine your success in the lean journey. Mike Hoseus, co-author of Toyota Culture, will review how a Lean organization establishes their culture for problem solving at all levels. This Executive Forum will highlight the 8-Step systematic problem solving process through examples and case studies in the Overview Session, followed by an optional 2-day hands on Gemba Workshop. The Practical Problem Solving Overview Session is intended for a large audience and is a standalone event.  The Problem Solving Workshop is intended…
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3H Leadership: Engaging the Heart, Head, & Hands (Class is Full)

3H Leadership: Engaging the Heart, Head, & Hands (Class is Full)

Classes, Events
Title:                   3H Leadership – Engaging the Heart, Head, and Hands Facilitator:         Kari Penca Intended Audience: This session is open to any individual within your organization who is interested in self-development and improvement.  Leaders at all levels of the company, Emerging Leaders, and Individual Contributors will all benefit from the concepts demonstrated and practiced throughout these sessions. Session dates:   August 8th, September 12th, October 10th, November 14th, and December 12th  (2nd Wednesday of every month) Time:                  8am – 5pm Location:            Columbia Edgewater Country Club – Fireplace Room 2220 NE Marine Dr. Portland, OR  97211 Cost:                    $650 for the 5 Sessions (includes materials) [Payment can be made via check made payable to NWHPEC or via credit card, invoices will be sent out the fourth…
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5S Special Interest Group (SIG)

5S Special Interest Group (SIG)

5S Special Interest Group Special Interest Groups are organic and member-led. Each participant will have a chance to host, share, and solicit feedback from other group members over the duration of the SIG.  You'll have an opportunity to meet with people from different backgrounds and experience levels to collaborate on best practices and support each other as you move forward.  There is no cost to participate. If you are interested in collaborating with other members who are implementing, reinvigorating, or resetting their 5S/6S programs, this group is for you! Our first meeting is June 27th from 8-9:30am at Smith Gardens.  Contact me if you'd like to join us at this or future gatherings. [email protected]
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Leadership Forum:  Col. Arthur Athens – Once Upon A Time

Leadership Forum: Col. Arthur Athens – Once Upon A Time

Leadership Forum “Once Upon A Time” (The Power of Storytelling) Speaker:  Col. Arthur Athens, Director Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership U.S. Naval Academy Audience:   This session is geared toward all formal and informal leaders who strive to inspire those around them into action through active engagement.  Date:   Tuesday, May 29th  Time:   8:00am – 9:30am Cost:    $100 per person Loc:     Columbia Edgewater Country Club – Fireplace Room               2220 NE Marine Dr.               Portland, OR  97211 Promo Video: NWHPEC YouTube Channel Session Overview: “Once Upon A Time” Peter Drucker, the famous writer, consultant and leadership sage once stated: “The leader’s first task is to be the trumpet that sounds a clear sound.”  Leaders must not only shape an organization’s vision and direction, they must “sound the trumpet”…
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2018 Learning Opportunities

2018 Learning Opportunities

We are putting together a schedule of classes based on input from our member companies.  If you have interest in a particular topic or speaker, or if you are interested in sending participants to Intro to Lean class, please email Jennifer ([email protected]). NWHPEC has a new Facebook group for members.  The purpose is to collaborate, share, ask questions, celebrate, and coach.  We'd love to have you join the discussions.
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Lean and the Human Element:  Stir-the-Paint *Graduates Session – Session is Full

Lean and the Human Element: Stir-the-Paint *Graduates Session – Session is Full

Classes, Events
*A graduate is anyone who previously attended a Lean and the Human Element session through NWHPEC from 2009 – 2017.  This session is not for those who have never attended a Lean and the Human Element series. “This learning event is an opportunity to slow down, take a pulse check on your leadership behaviors as a Lean and the Human Element graduate, and shine the light on your personal and professional development mirror.  This stir-the-paint session is not for the weak kneed or faint of heart!  It is for those who want to take high levels of ownership for how they can grow longer legs for bigger steps in life.”  - Dan Miller Date:  December 6, 2017 Time:  8am – 5pm Loc:     Montgomery Park, Banquet Room:  2701 NW Vaughn St.,…
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