Lean IT Panel Discussion – Nov 17th @11am

Lean IT Panel Discussion – Nov 17th @11am

Member Sharing, Webinar
Harmonizing Lean and Agile to drive value in IT Do your IT-enabled processes work to create and flow customer value? Is information and technology enabling your people’s success? Are you grappling with scoping and delivering projects on time, testing new technology, and working more closely with business units to understand their needs?   At their core, Lean and Agile are both about leveraging technology to deliver customer value with the least effort required. In order to achieve this, we remove all unnecessary effort – ambiguity of process, avoidable mistakes, self-in­flicted variation, corrections, rework, delays, and extra steps. As the world evolves, success is becoming increasingly driven by technology and the speed at which we can deliver a product or service.  The formula for success includes focusing on process and working together…
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Sowing the Seeds of Lean – Aug 23rd @10am

Sowing the Seeds of Lean – Aug 23rd @10am

Webinar You can't implement lean overnight. In fact, you shouldn't try to implement lean at all. Lean won't "stick" unless it is integrated into your organization and people believe in the new way of thinking and acting. This takes patience, persistence, and participation. In the gardening world, you can't just throw a bunch of plants in your backyard and expect them to grow and flourish. Success requires more than just planting them in the soil. The best gardeners plant a seed in a controlled environment so they properly germinate, then acclimate them before they are transferred to the garden where they continue to care for them daily. Gardening provides an excellent metaphor for keys to introducing and integrating lean into an organization. Organizational culture change requires people to understand, buy…
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Driving alignment and execution with Personal Management Systems – June 7th @11:30

Driving alignment and execution with Personal Management Systems – June 7th @11:30

In a world filled with annual objectives, how can you create a management system that allows you to effectively deploy those goals throughout your organization and embed them into the personal management system of each individual so everyone uses scientific thinking when striving towards their goals. Come see how I combined deployment using cascaded Kata Challenges with Personal Management Systems (think leader standard work) to help develop my organization while striving towards our goals. Learning objectives:Learn how to use cascaded kata challenges to align all leaders to organizational objectivesLearn how to create a personal management system that ensures you are being intentional with where you spend your timeLearn how to build reflection into a standard review process and assess changes and adjustments to your objectives and personal management system as…
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Making the Case for Lean Innovation – May 16th @1pm

Making the Case for Lean Innovation – May 16th @1pm

Join us as we hear from innovation expert Norbert Majerus as he shares the keys to creating a culture and a process where innovation thrives. The performance of a company’s innovation process has a huge effect on its top and bottom line. Lean practices and thinking are used to build an innovation system that is predictable, fast, agile, and efficient. The lean culture promotes the engagement, collaboration and creativity needed to leverage the innovation potential through all parts of an organization. You can expect to hear:• What a lean innovation system can do for your organization• Examples of successful implementations• The change management process needed to transform the culture at the process• Roles at different levels in the organization required to build a sustainable innovation system Date: Monday, May 16thTime: 1-1:45pm (Pacific)Venue: Online…
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The Power of Perspective – May 9th @11am

The Power of Perspective – May 9th @11am

We are ultimately striving to help others realize their full potential and perform at their fullest potential. To achieve true success, a leader and/or coach must first develop self-confidence and then help develop confidence for those within their span of care. Join us as Sam Morgan walks us through his discovery of how when you See More, you Believe More, and ultimately Do More. Are you ready to unleash the power? For one year I was a kata learner.For one year I was a kata coach.For one year I saw the power of perspective. In practicing the Toyota Kata I witnessed firsthand how having multiple perspectives helped me. It taught me to see outside of my bubble into all the color and beauty, all the shades and hues the world…
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Best Practices: LMS in the Real World – April 7th @noon

Best Practices: LMS in the Real World – April 7th @noon

Lean Management Systems in the Real World A Best Practice sharing session featuring three NWHPEC organizationsLast fall, NWHPEC offered a 12-hour lean management system (LMS) workshop to help organizations understand the basic building blocks of an LMS and to provide the foundation and confidence to get started/make updates to an existing system.  Three of the participants have graciously offered to share their experiences and journey with you.  Join us as we pull back the curtain and learn why an LMS is important, how to get people involved in creating an LMS in your organization, and how to spot opportunities for improvement in an existing LMS.An LMS provides the framework and structure to support and sustain improvements by making processes and problems visible and by creating a culture where people are…
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Best Practices: Back to Basics – March 8th @1pm

Best Practices: Back to Basics – March 8th @1pm

Back to Basics – Using a systematic approach to create high volume flow Regardless of the process you are focusing on, the same improvement and problem solving rules apply. Join Leah Calvert, OHSU Quality Specialist, as she shares how the used PDSA cycles to continuously improve the management and flow of mass vaccination clinics. As she shares their journey, you’ll see how tools were only applied as necessary to solve specific problems. These tools include Kanban, Huddle Boards, Visual Management, Standard Work, and Flow. Come and learn: • How they incorporated this improvement activity into their Daily Management System• The importance of focusing on the customer (both internal and external) and creating a change management mindset• The value of clear communication• How PDSA was the basis for improvement experiments towards…
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