OpEx In Your Office (Class is Full)

OpEx In Your Office (Class is Full)

Operational Excellence in Your Office - September 17th Description: Establishing robust flow of information in offices environments is more important than ever due to common day-to-day challenges, employees working on many different projects at once, and heightened customer demands for timely, consistent service. This one-day workshop details a step-by-step methodology for leveraging traditional lean value stream flow to establish Operational Excellence through business processes. Whether an office provides complex engineering designs, financial information, IT services, healthcare plans, or other services, this workshop will explain how to apply in-depth principles such as process family matrices, binary connections, processing cells, work-flow cycles, integration events, pitch, and other techniques to create lean value streams that achieve Operational Excellence in the office. Participants will leave ready to create flow in their own office, design…
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3H Leadership: Engaging the Heart, Head, & Hands (Class is Full)

3H Leadership: Engaging the Heart, Head, & Hands (Class is Full)

Classes, Events
Title:                   3H Leadership – Engaging the Heart, Head, and Hands Facilitator:         Kari Penca Intended Audience: This session is open to any individual within your organization who is interested in self-development and improvement.  Leaders at all levels of the company, Emerging Leaders, and Individual Contributors will all benefit from the concepts demonstrated and practiced throughout these sessions. Session dates:   August 8th, September 12th, October 10th, November 14th, and December 12th  (2nd Wednesday of every month) Time:                  8am – 5pm Location:            Columbia Edgewater Country Club – Fireplace Room 2220 NE Marine Dr. Portland, OR  97211 Cost:                    $650 for the 5 Sessions (includes materials) [Payment can be made via check made payable to NWHPEC or via credit card, invoices will be sent out the fourth…
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5S Special Interest Group (SIG)

5S Special Interest Group (SIG)

5S Special Interest Group Special Interest Groups are organic and member-led. Each participant will have a chance to host, share, and solicit feedback from other group members over the duration of the SIG.  You'll have an opportunity to meet with people from different backgrounds and experience levels to collaborate on best practices and support each other as you move forward.  There is no cost to participate. If you are interested in collaborating with other members who are implementing, reinvigorating, or resetting their 5S/6S programs, this group is for you! Our first meeting is June 27th from 8-9:30am at Smith Gardens.  Contact me if you'd like to join us at this or future gatherings. [email protected]
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Benchmark Request: Paper Travelers

Benchmark Request: Paper Travelers

Benchmark Request
At Columbia Machine, we are looking for a better solution for paper travelers on parts routed outside.  Our process currently includes recording/barcoding specific information for operations that is printed onto white 8.5” x 11” paper, stapled to prints,  tucked into a plastic zip lock bag with a grommet on it, and attached to the weldment or frame or part with a tie twist lock.  As you can guess,  weather, in the form of sun, wind and rain can play havoc with packets rendering them virtually impossible to read or even stay on the frame work in the yard.  Does anyone have an improved solution for paperwork traveling with parts outside to not only stay with the parts but to stay legible and intact? To respond to this benchmark request, please…
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Intro to Lean (Office Focus) – Class is full

Intro to Lean (Office Focus) – Class is full

Intro to Lean - Admin/Office process focused Description: This is a one-day overview of all Lean principles with a fun and interactive simulation to demonstrate the application of the Lean tools within an office environment.  This class is a pre-requisite for many other classes and is a very beneficial class for people new to Lean principles or individuals who need a broader Lean education. Date: Thursday, June 13th Time: 8am-5pm Location: ESCO Corporation Cost:  $150 per person Key Concepts: Introduction to Lean is a beginning level course which teaches students the basic concepts of Lean Thinking. This includes topics around waste, value, 5S, single piece flow, Kanban, etc.  This session is designed for participants who work in office environments and includes many real-world examples from a wide variety of work…
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PDCA Thinking (June 7th) – Class is Full

PDCA Thinking (June 7th) – Class is Full

Title:  PDCA Thinking: Rapid Cycles of Learning Through PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Adjust) Description:  The purpose of this hands-on workshop is to develop problem solving skills using a pattern of learning through alignment and experimentation.  Additionally, participants will build skills to demonstrate these best practices throughout their organizations. This interactive workshop compliments classroom learning and with hands-on application exercises.  The exercises teach attendees how to incorporate PDCA concepts into daily practice to solve problems, attain business strategies, and achieve operational excellence in their organization. Audience: This course is designed for all levels and roles within an organization. Key Concepts:  - Understand Plan-Do-Check-Adjust Thinking.  Define each component and understand how to apply PDCA as a foundational element of learning and discovery. - Effectively connect Strategy Deployment to real business improvement through alignment of focused…
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TWI – Job Instruction (JI) Training – Class is Full

TWI – Job Instruction (JI) Training – Class is Full

Title: TWI Job Instruction (JI) Training Description: This four day (1/2 days) hands-on class teaches the process for creating effective Job Instructions.  Participants will learn this four-step method using a part or process they bring to the class.  They will walk away with a complete Job Instruction breakdown sheet for the part/process of their choice. Date: May 21-24th, 2018 Time: 7:30am – 11am Location: Cadet Heat (Glen Dimplex Americas), 2500 W Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA Cost:  $450 per person Overview: The Training Within Industry (TWI) programs were developed in the United States sixty years ago and played a major role in boosting industrial production to the levels required to win the Second World War. After the war, they were introduced around the world and, most notably, are still in wide…
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