Lean Systems
- Building Blocks for Trainers
- Building Your Lean Management System*`
- Leader Standard Work*
- Training Within Industry (TWI): Job Instruction
Problem Solving
- Improvement & Coaching Kata [Puzzle Build] (IK 201)
- Practical Problem Solving (8-step) specialty workshop
- Structured Problem Solving + (plus)*
- 3H Leadership (Engaging the Heart, Head, and Hands)
- Held every Fall
- 3H Leadership Essentials (3H Leadership truncated for virtual)*
- Coaching for Engagement*`
- Training Within Industry (TWI): Job Relations*`
Tools based workshops
- 5S Workshop Organization
- Set-Up Reduction
- Standard Work
- Total Productive Maintenance
- Value Stream Mapping (mfg or admin)
* Virtual; *`Virtual or In Person